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Media Pro Mac/Win Box: 164, 95 Euro
Media Pro 1.5 und neuer ben tigt Windows 7 64bit oder Windows 8 64bit
Media 1.4.2 kann mit Windows XP SP3 32bit, Windows Vista SP2 32 oder 64bit, Windows 7 SP1 32bit verwendet werden
Framework version 4.0 wird automatisch installiert
Media Pro 1.5 und neuer ben tigt Mac OS X 10.9 oder 10.10
Media Pro 1.4.2 kann f r Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 und 10.8 verwendet werden
Media Pro ist ab sofort als lokalisierte deutsche Version verf gbar. Media Pro ist ein Bildmanagement-Programm zur professionellen Verwaltung von Foto-, Video- und Multimediasammlungen. Media Pro bietet einen flexiblen und intuitiven Weg, digitale Medienbest nde zu katalogisieren, organisieren und zu nutzen.
Seine St rke liegt in der speicherunabh ngigen Organisation von Bilddaten auf Netzlaufwerken, CDs, Festplatten, DVDs oder anderen Medien. Die Anwendung fasst unterschiedliche Medien zu visuellen Katalogen zusammen, die einfach und schnell gesichtet, durchsucht und bewertet werden k nnen.
In diesen sehr umfangreichen Katalogen - Media Pro unterst tzt bis zu 128.000 Dateien pro Katalog - k nnen Aufnahmen mit Capture One oder anderen Bildbearbeitungsprogrammen nicht-destruktiv bearbeitet werden. Die Daten k nnen ferner auch in andere Formate gewandelt werden. Kataloge lassen sich sichern und archivieren, als Diashow oder Web Galerie ver ffentlichen und per E-Mail, Kontaktabzug, Druck oder weitere benutzerdefinierte Optionen ausgeben und publizieren.
In Media Pro finden Sie Ihre Bilder im Handumdrehen. Bilder k nnen augenblicklich vergr ssert werden, und das mit den richtigen Farben, mit exzellenter Detailgenauigkeit und mit allen Anpassungen, die auf sie angewendet wurden. Erm glicht wird dies durch die professionellen RAW-Konverter, die von Capture One bernommen wurden. Bilder k nnen mittels Drag-and-Drop importiert oder verschlagwortet werden - und das gilt sowohl f r Bilder als auch Filme von ber 100 verschiedenen Kameramodellen. Verteilen Sie Ihre Bildsammlung ber mehrere Laufwerke - selbst wenn auf die eigentlichen Laufwerke nicht zugegriffen werden kann, k nnen Bilder immer noch durchsucht, annotiert oder betrachtet werden.
Dank Media Pros vielf ltigen Funktionen, die an die Arbeitsabl ufe professioneller Fotografen angepasst sind, k nnen im Handumdrehen Tausende von Fotos bearbeitet und sortiert werden. Dateien k nnen direkt beim Import umbenannt werden und mehrere Dateien k nnen dank der professionellen Batch-funktionen auf einmal verschlagwortet oder konvertiert werden. Daraufhin k nnen die Bilder dann in Capture One nachbearbeitet werden, wobei die Versionskontrolle daf r sorgt, dass Sie den berblick ber die nderungen nicht verlieren.
Wenn es darum geht, Ihre Meisterwerke unter die Leute zu bringen, hilft Ihnen Media Pro hier durch ausgefeilte Export-M glichkeiten. Neben den verschiedensten Bildformaten unterst tzt Media Pro durch seine professionell gestalteten Vorlagen auch den Export als Webgalerie - oder beeindrucken Sie Ihre Zuschauer mit einer Diashow.
Phase One Media Pro Reader erm glicht es Nutzern, Kataloge zu verbreiten und mit allen ausgew hlten Empf ngern kostenlos zu teilen. Media Pro Reader ist mit Mac und Windows Betriebssystemen kompatibel und kann kostenlos heruntergeladen und verbreitet werden.
Der Media Pro Reader ffnet Kataloge, die in Media Pro, Microsoft Expression Media oder iView Media Pro erstellt wurden. Der Reader beinhaltet unter Anderem die M glichkeit, Diashows anzuzeigen, erlaubt dem Betrachter aber nicht nderungen an Ihrem Katalog vorzunehmen oder neue Kataloge zu erstellen.
Sie k nnen in Ihre Kataloge auch nur Vorschauen und Miniaturbilder einbinden, damit die Originale von niemandem kopiert werden k nnen. Wenn Sie die Originalmedien einschlie en, wird Media Pro Reader es den Betrachtern erm glichen, auf die Medien zuzugreifen, die der Katalog beinhaltet. Wenn Ihr Katalog Vollbild-Vorschauen enth lt, kann Media Pro Reader sie in der Medienansicht, als Diashows und im Leuchttisch anzeigen.
Die preisgekr nte plattform bergreifende Mediendatenbank iView MediaPro, wurde von iView Multimedia, einer in London beheimateten Software-Schmiede, entwickelt und vertrieben. F r Deutschland, sterreich und die Schweiz bernahm dabei Application Systems Heidelberg den Vertrieb.
iView wurde im Jahre 2006 von Microsoft angekauft. Das Entwicklerteam von iView wurde mitsamt der von diesen entwickelten Produkte in das Microsoft-Portfolio integriert. Die folgende Version von iView MediaPro wurde unter dem Namen Microsoft Expression Media ver ffentlicht. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war es f r Application Systems Heidelberg nicht mehr m glich, den Vertrieb von Expression Media weiterzuf hren
Im Mai des Jahres 2010 wurde bekannt, dass Phase One die Rechte am Produkt Microsoft Expression Media erworben hat. F r Application Systems Heidelberg ergab sich so die M glichkeit, mit Media Pro nun auch den Nachfolger von iView Media Pro zu vertreiben.
Media Pro 1.5 und neuer ben tigt Windows 7 64bit oder Windows 8 64bit
Media 1.4.2 kann mit Windows XP SP3 32bit, Windows Vista SP2 32 oder 64bit, Windows 7 SP1 32bit verwendet werden
Framework version 4.0 wird automatisch installiert
Media Pro ist ab sofort als lokalisierte deutsche Version verf gbar. Media Pro ist ein Bildmanagement-Programm zur professionellen Verwaltung von Foto-, Video- und Multimediasammlungen. Media Pro bietet einen flexiblen und intuitiven Weg, digitale Medienbest nde zu katalogisieren, organisieren und zu nutzen.
Seine St rke liegt in der speicherunabh ngigen Organisation von Bilddaten auf Netzlaufwerken, CDs, Festplatten, DVDs oder anderen Medien. Die Anwendung fasst unterschiedliche Medien zu visuellen Katalogen zusammen, die einfach und schnell gesichtet, durchsucht und bewertet werden k nnen.
In diesen sehr umfangreichen Katalogen - Media Pro unterst tzt bis zu 128.000 Dateien pro Katalog - k nnen Aufnahmen mit Capture One oder anderen Bildbearbeitungsprogrammen nicht-destruktiv bearbeitet werden. Die Daten k nnen ferner auch in andere Formate gewandelt werden. Kataloge lassen sich sichern und archivieren, als Diashow oder Web Galerie ver ffentlichen und per E-Mail, Kontaktabzug, Druck oder weitere benutzerdefinierte Optionen ausgeben und publizieren.
In Media Pro finden Sie Ihre Bilder im Handumdrehen. Bilder k nnen augenblicklich vergr ssert werden, und das mit den richtigen Farben, mit exzellenter Detailgenauigkeit und mit allen Anpassungen, die auf sie angewendet wurden. Erm glicht wird dies durch die professionellen RAW-Konverter, die von Capture One bernommen wurden. Bilder k nnen mittels Drag-and-Drop importiert oder verschlagwortet werden - und das gilt sowohl f r Bilder als auch Filme von ber 100 verschiedenen Kameramodellen. Verteilen Sie Ihre Bildsammlung ber mehrere Laufwerke - selbst wenn auf die eigentlichen Laufwerke nicht zugegriffen werden kann, k nnen Bilder immer noch durchsucht, annotiert oder betrachtet werden.
Dank Media Pros vielf ltigen Funktionen, die an die Arbeitsabl ufe professioneller Fotografen angepasst sind, k nnen im Handumdrehen Tausende von Fotos bearbeitet und sortiert werden. Dateien k nnen direkt beim Import umbenannt werden und mehrere Dateien k nnen dank der professionellen Batch-funktionen auf einmal verschlagwortet oder konvertiert werden. Daraufhin k nnen die Bilder dann in Capture One nachbearbeitet werden, wobei die Versionskontrolle daf r sorgt, dass Sie den berblick ber die nderungen nicht verlieren.
Wenn es darum geht, Ihre Meisterwerke unter die Leute zu bringen, hilft Ihnen Media Pro hier durch ausgefeilte Export-M glichkeiten. Neben den verschiedensten Bildformaten unterst tzt Media Pro durch seine professionell gestalteten Vorlagen auch den Export als Webgalerie - oder beeindrucken Sie Ihre Zuschauer mit einer Diashow.
Phase One Media Pro Reader erm glicht es Nutzern, Kataloge zu verbreiten und mit allen ausgew hlten Empf ngern kostenlos zu teilen. Media Pro Reader ist mit Mac und Windows Betriebssystemen kompatibel und kann kostenlos heruntergeladen und verbreitet werden.
Der Media Pro Reader ffnet Kataloge, die in Media Pro, Microsoft Expression Media oder iView Media Pro erstellt wurden. Der Reader beinhaltet unter Anderem die M glichkeit, Diashows anzuzeigen, erlaubt dem Betrachter aber nicht nderungen an Ihrem Katalog vorzunehmen oder neue Kataloge zu erstellen.
Sie k nnen in Ihre Kataloge auch nur Vorschauen und Miniaturbilder einbinden, damit die Originale von niemandem kopiert werden k nnen. Wenn Sie die Originalmedien einschlie en, wird Media Pro Reader es den Betrachtern erm glichen, auf die Medien zuzugreifen, die der Katalog beinhaltet. Wenn Ihr Katalog Vollbild-Vorschauen enth lt, kann Media Pro Reader sie in der Medienansicht, als Diashows und im Leuchttisch anzeigen.
Die preisgekr nte plattform bergreifende Mediendatenbank iView MediaPro, wurde von iView Multimedia, einer in London beheimateten Software-Schmiede, entwickelt und vertrieben. F r Deutschland, sterreich und die Schweiz bernahm dabei Application Systems Heidelberg den Vertrieb.
iView wurde im Jahre 2006 von Microsoft angekauft. Das Entwicklerteam von iView wurde mitsamt der von diesen entwickelten Produkte in das Microsoft-Portfolio integriert. Die folgende Version von iView MediaPro wurde unter dem Namen Microsoft Expression Media ver ffentlicht. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war es f r Application Systems Heidelberg nicht mehr m glich, den Vertrieb von Expression Media weiterzuf hren
Im Mai des Jahres 2010 wurde bekannt, dass Phase One die Rechte am Produkt Microsoft Expression Media erworben hat. F r Application Systems Heidelberg ergab sich so die M glichkeit, mit Media Pro nun auch den Nachfolger von iView Media Pro zu vertreiben.
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Read all five posts first before asking them questions. If that you are looking for firmware links they may be at the bottom of post 5.
The model using the far better remote they called II is apparently being upgraded again using the addition of an rear panel RE ch. 3/4 switch. Its not detailed on his or her site with the exception of a firmware upgrade warning. See post 5.
Thanks to member satpro, the II version has received a mod accomplished for the USB port. The power feed now runs completely from the strength, not in the board. See his post here;
Carrying over in the short speculation thread, Rjax44 and myself thought a new start will be in order. When I first saw this along with the price, I almost dismissed it. But, upon further reading and many debate, I thought I would give one a go. The price spent my childhood years to around 58 from the low of 40, except for a ATSC tuner w/DVR capability??
Note; sorts sold underneath the Homeworx name through Mediasonic. There are many others selling similar versions with assorted enclosures, most and not using a display. The basic electronics components are similar which means similar performance. The difference being the firmware and whomever writes it.
Other compared to the price, what sets this other than all others could be the size or deficiency of. From the on the internet photos, you cant really tell it can be as small as it certainly is.
iViewss new websites page will be here;
The DVR isnt the sole thing that is tiny. The remote and also the manual will also be. I have been touching iView with much better results and communications than a few other encounter and was told a revised manual plus a firmware update ought to be available shortly.
Below are photos on the box and contents, rear panel, comparisons in the DVR along with a 3 1/2 HDD enclosure, another of this along with a a comparison relating to the original remote along with the replacement. BTW, Im not suggesting that anyone place a HDD enclosure right on top on the DVR, I just used that for size comparison.
Note, the past photo, the superior shield to the tuner was removed with the photo.
System on the Chip Processor apparently is usually a MStar 7816, because of member bluez ;
The system processor, if not more correctly, the SoC System with a Chip is quite likely expressed by MStar, a Taiwanese not mainland China! semiconducter manufacturer.
The part number to the SoC might are the MStar 7816, dependant on this product description.
MStar can be a MIPS licensee, hence the processor inside SoC might be to be MIPS.
NM120AA Tuner unknown, possible Russian based company
Interestingly, the demodulator could be the same one found in this 10 Haier TV I reviewed;
Trying to study the text on some was a real eye strain. Namely the memory chip with all the mark within the surface plus the one chip inside tuner. Neither ones Im sure about currently. Take a look below;
We as IVIEW greatly appreciate enough time and effort each and everyone one among you have taken to create your feedback both bad and good. IVIEW is monitoring and acknowledging your suggestions even as we continue to enhance our 3500STB. We are focused on provide a great product for a reasonable price. In order to further improve our product and meet the needs of our own consumers we look for your help by continuing to produce us along with your critiques and suggestions on what we can help the product. The AVS forum has helped us tremendously to increase our product because doing so has provided us with clues about our product. We have remained silent within the forum because we preferred to pay attention and take in your suggestions without offering justification. Please tend not to confuse our silence as IVIEW not caring about our customers. Due to recent allegations expressed by Mediatronic we're feeling the must clarify the allegations made against IVIEW. Our clarifications are with the users and our consumers plus in no way am i attacking another company. To clarify IVIEW is often a brand of Wiltronic Corporation which is in the parent company of Chengzhi Corporation. As many people may know we're currently using MSTAR chip which uses general firmware, but our engineers at Chengzhi Corporation promote the firmware to be able to improve our product. Our method similar to Mediatronic product, but in no chance did we steal, copy, or reproduce their converter boxes. Our converter box became available around the market in advance of MediatronicР‘s product. Our firmware is different and totally different from theirs because our engineers are creating a product with QAM capability. The converter is uniquely ours therefore were constantly creating new firmware to increase it. With that being said, we have been currently testing a whole new firmware that may eliminate many in the issues our consumers were having, a great number of issues put together by the users about this forum. We acknowledge our mistakes and therefore are taking the whole thing necessary to correct them. Please dismiss the latest firmware which was posted on our website and that we apologize for just about any inconvenience it might are inventing. Our new firmware will greatly help the QAM capability, EPG menu, our recording system, and remote device. Your suggestions on our product have greatly influenced our improvements. As a gesture of the appreciation we wish to offer our new remote to your user who allows us to improve our product by offering any suggestions. We you will come to IVIEW stand behind our product and will carry on and improve and greatly appreciate any help. Please feel free to contact us for just about any questions or concerns at or on the phone 909-627-9888 Monday through Friday 9am-5pm Pacific Time. We really do apologize to the inconvenience and IVIEW is focused on provide our customers together with the best possible product.
added comments about the addition of any ch. 3/4 switch USB port power upgrade
Abundant OTA television is the reason why this country different from others. Lets ensure that is stays this way. If you like Wi-Fi a whole lot, OTA fits in. After all, it really is wireless.
Its intriguing and never doesn't amaze me on every new model has something the many others don't possess and should. Here, to be able to sort the stations from the guide is accessible. Something the ill fated Sony had no other such as grossly overrated TiVo that fails with the amount of basic functions, namely 2, 3 5 below.
I included this around my DVR comparison thread which can be used;
Features not clearly documented or otherwise not documented whatsoever;
1. Tuners: one ATSC/QAM, NO analog NTSC capability,
2. Ability to go in individual channels without having done any a complete scan,
3. Ability bypass a initial scan inside Installation setup,
4. Ability to remember both channel tables; OTA CATV in a list so long as you dont execute a scan. You would need to convey a A/B change to access both. see photo
5. Allows complete eliminating channels, not merely skipping them,
6. Lightning fast boot period of 10 seconds. Yes, I said around 10 secs,
7. Fast channel changes, unlike several DVRs,
8. HDMI, component, coaxial audio, composite analog audio outputs,
9. Extremal HDD capacity is often as large as 1TB besides 500GB as mentioned. due to jjeff,
10. Ultra low power usage of less than 1 watt off, 7 watts on and 11 watts using a 2 1/2 HDD connected to the USB port,
11. You can rename recordings. Unfortunately, all recordings certainly are a overly long cryptic number,
12. Timeshift is adjustable in proportions, not time from.5GB to 4GB. Timeshifting will not start automatically,
13. Adjustable volume and mute, although not when HDMI is scheduled to Raw audio,
14. Unusual recording info screens showing data transfer rate rates among other details. Huge plus,
15. This is effective at more than one storage device employing a USB hub as a result of jjeff, though there is certainly only one front panel USB jack,
16. Internal strength instead of another wall brick,
17. The format utility is fast. Its a fast version and takes around 5 seconds. I didnt try it using a blank drive, it had been formatted to ext2,
18. Recordings away from the connected hard disk drive can be played with a PC and/or transfered there without any issue. The photos section didnt display s for a lot of unknown reason. It had no worries files from DVDs.
19. Choice of RF move through loop through or modulated RF ch 3 to 4 NTSC for old style TV sets without having a/v inputs. But, only if powered up,
20. Music files may be played while within the Photo mode. Selections automatically advance regardless how thew pics are viewed,
21. Use of an USB stick is NOT recommended. They were never meant for recording higher than normal bitrates and file sizes. Dont waste your time and energy, receive a external HDD case as well as a 2 1/2 laptop drive.
22. You cant pause recordings to edit out commercials. Pausing a recording while watching won't pause it, it causes it to enter the Timeshifting mode instead. The recording continues. Thanks to nickle2
Important info on receiving CATV Cable TV channels. This has absolutely nothing to do with receiving TV stations through an antenna OTA. If that is certainly you, skip this;
First off, NO tuner, TV or DVR will permit viewing any encrypted channel with out a CC Cable Card.
These have problems working with certain CATV systems. The problem is due to how each MSO Multiple System Operator IDs their from the clear stations channels. Many CATV systems will demonstrate a virtual channel number that reflects the OTA Over The Air stations former analog channel number. This differs in the actual physical RF channel number the station is in fact on. Many don't get this, as it's confusing as a result of the NAB FCC but that is certainly another story.
Example; around my market the NBC affiliates former analog channel was ch. 2. Their ATSC digital OTA physical channel is 33. A TV, tuner, DVR will ID this as 2.1 as intended. On a CATV system that gives virtual numbers, it can or should also be IDed as 2.1. On systems that DONT accomplish this, it's going to be IDed as whatever physical major minor channel they install it on which could be anywhere between RF ch. 2 plus the highest RF channel the computer is using around ch. 115-117 for 750MHz systems or over to ch. 170 for newer 1 GHz systems. In my case the NBC affiliate is on ch. 69.1 AFAIK
This can transform if needed which unfortunately does depending within the system. I know this as playing musical not music channels.
Now what all the means is depending which firmware version you might be using, chances are you'll or might not receive all in the in the clear stations it is best to. You would possibly not receive any assuming you have non-encrypted stations or else you see a channel list of the couple hundred, 95% that could have to get skipped or deleted. The work around just for this, assuming you realize the physical CATV channel numbers utilized by your MSO, is progressing a manual channel search. See the next post. Some systems are typically encrypted or will will be unfortunately. Again, on account of the FCC. These devices regardless of what name is within the box simply because all utilize the same basic components have trouble managing all on this. Whomever, whatever company that writes the firmware in China cant properly test any on this since there may be no QAM systems there. So a shot and error process should take place here. Unfortunately, its been more error.
If you intend to change FW versions, view the bottom of post five. The process is with relative ease.
I have complied a set of issues so as of importance. The most updated version is here now;
Abundant OTA television is the reason why this country different from all the others. Lets make it this way. If you like Wi-Fi a lot, OTA fits directly in. After all, it truly is wireless.
The initial setup will give you the option of skipping the scan process. I prefer to manually enter my physical channel numbers in, in order that I don't possess to go back and delete 12 or even more entries that I dont want. The OTA channel scanning is fast. I did do it and it took 2 1/2 minutes to accomplish. I assume it depends within the number of active physical channel you'll be able to receive.
There isnt many things to change from the menu. The deficiency of a manual time setting is usually a problem. When I set the offset to New York time was 60 minutes slow. I had to put the offset to manual and change it out to - 4 GMT. The tuner is average in reception ability. Not bad, yet not the best. What can you require for 45. If you are for the cliff with any stations with better tuners, the idea may be an issue here.
After you finished your channel entry, there are tons options to change the list. Most work, some dont. Yon either hide or skip unwanted channels, or delete them together. But, if they're deleted, they may be added back without issue. Unlike another DVR other compared to ill fated Sony, channels could be moved anywhere inside the list and call letters is usually edited, helping while using bogus channel list number with the addition of the virtual channel number either before or following your call letters. There are four favorites categories, nevertheless they all share a similar icon from the menu.
Below are screens that report the signal level. The Manual search is a useful one as it can have in real time the amount by just scrolling throughout the channels. There are 25 dots as bar. 10 are red, 9 are magenta and 6 are cyan light blue. The same bar is utilized for volume, however the red cyan are reversed.;
I always prefer the opportunity to manually add channels rather then doing a full scan. AFAIC, any tuner that doesnt allow that is worthless. Period! As long as you recognize the physical channel variety of your stations, its no issue. OTA on the air is comparatively easy, with CATV systems its another matter. Doing a QAM full scan is incredibly lengthly here. The other dilemma is this will not skip encrypted channels, therefore you will ought to. After about 200 button pushes, you wished didnt execute a scan. Here could be the better way;
Open inside the manual search screen to get started on entering your channels. With OTA, the subsequent hasnt been a difficulty. With CATV it's. There is usually a longer time delay before you are able to hit the Ok button apparently because of the amount of sub channels each physical channel has. If you appear at this two screen shots, the one in the left doesn't have any signal Quality level shown. The one within the right does. Only when this takes place, are you able to hit Ok. If you dont wait, you're going to get no results. Again, it is only with CATV systems caused by the variety of sub-channles on each carrier.
You can hit the right or left navigation tips for change channels, or complete a direct channel entry that's usually faster.
This could also be used as a signal quality indicator to peak reception of for the cliff stations. Toggling up or down or conducting a direct entry without hitting Ok after the improvement in channel is done is all you must do.
The Guide only lists one channel at the time inside the entire screen. You scroll horizontally forward or time for change stations. There is room for 11 rows of text inside the program list portion with the guide. Problem is, which is all you'll be able to get as of this moment. The page up down usually do not respond. I don't realize if 11 is every one of the DVR can display, or its a insufficient response from those buttons. The details box off to the right does allow scrolling.
There is two locations the place that the clock shows. The guide is one along with the small info screen may be the other.
Below are screen shots from the misnamed Program Edit which really should be changed to Channel Edit. The orange icon could be the move symbol allowing repositioning that station anywhere you want. Cant do by using any other DVR that I know except the ill fated Sony. Next will be the station name edit screen. Notice it deletes the concepts already showing whenever you click around the misnamed Recall button for the remote. It allows approximately 16 characters. There is not any provision for any space to become entered that I can find.
Below are definitely the System info showing the first version number with the installed firmware from 12/12. The 2nd screen would be the Firmware update;
Under USB/PVR configure inside the menu, the status from the attached storage device is shown. Notice the arrows on each side on the Disk line indicating this has the opportunity to see a couple of USB device attached. I do not possess a USB hub but member jjeff did and confirmed this will access many storage device,. Note this really is where the adjustable timeshift amount is changed, around 4GB.
The 2nd pic will be the Recording Schedule showing four consecutive entries. Note no channel numbers or titles of programs show. Not sure why a final entry didnt show the stations call letters.
Video resolutions aspect formats;
Under Picture, you will discover five resolution choices; 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i 1080p. They are available for component HDMI that should make this well suited for almost any HDTV
Aspect options are; Auto, 16:9 pillar box, 4:3 letter, 4:3 pan scan, 4:3 full, 16:9 vast screen. I get forced out on 16:9 pillar mainly because it doesnt distort stretch the screen.
Abundant OTA television is why this country different from the competition. Lets ensure that it stays this way. If you like Wi-Fi a great deal, OTA fits directly in. After all, it can be wireless.
Resist the temptation of employing a USB stay with record with. HD material carries a bitrate and file size too ideal for most those aside from the higher end USB3 models. They were never designed for this application as well as for all intensive purposes, it's going to probably not be effective.
You could get lucky, and you have been warned. But, if you would like to try that route, look here for USB3 stick reviews
For a great deal more bang to the buck, pick-up a 2 1/2 HDD along with a suitable enclosure. For size, heat and power consumption and also the lack of, makes that the very best bet. Drive sizes of 320GB 500GB ought to be more than enough. Then pickup a different enclosure that has a USB port. This will power a 2 1/2 drive, but note the PS does get hot, nevertheless it hasnt failed to the time I have used it.
During recording, in the event you change channels, the playback quality will pause before you return time for the channel that you were recording. Since this only incorporates a single tuner and doesnt allow watching what already continues to be recorded, that is kinda a pleasant feature.
There is often a neat Record Info box that is certainly available whenever a recording was in progress. It shows available recording time with the storage device you've connected and it is a easy way to check station bitrates. Though, I have no idea how accurate the displayed bitrate is, it can be still an approach to comparison. Interesting which stations have higher bitrates that others. Also interesting how the difference in bitrate changes the complete recording convenience of your hard disk.
If you think about the upper left corner near to that turn up, your will also view the record indicator showing recording time along with a flashing yellow ball.
Timeshifting can be acquired, but it can be not always running which can be good. If you arent apply it, why own it run, especially using a device simply because this? You can adjust the size from the buffer from.5GB to 4GB, not just how long. The last pic shows the timebar when timeshifting. Oddly, this will be the only place that is shown. In playback there's no timebar.
Lastly, there is certainly no Closed Caption recording ability.
Access to recorded material is only from the menu. There isn't any shortcut around the remote. The USB button, what one would think are the direct access could be the button for timeshifting.
The files technique is NTFS so not one other drivers are important for playback to your Windows based PC. The recording are certainly not encrypted either. They are common placed within a folder named HBPVR.
The drive is labeled 123456789. I have no idea if changing it to something meaningful would lead to further problems when connected returning to the DVR. Interesting small file placed from the root and within the folder.
FWIW, that ePVision DVR saw the folder created, however when opened it had been empty.
The extension used Details are here, it really is a Sony design;
There is not any skip function, just multiple fast Fwd Rew speeds. Nor will there be any slow motion. I purposely recorded a around the cliff program and then there was considerable breakup. To a point the recording almost went black completely. On playback, this recorded and played back without the need of issue. Unlike various other DVRs, it didnt stop flick mid stream.
There is direct access on the Multimedia section utilizing the USB button about the remote. Below are screen shots in the main Media screen, the files inside folder note a final entry which was renamed, full screen playback while using GoTo and Info showing power to jump to some specific location details from the recording. lastly, file deletion confirmation. Note; there's no timebar in playback when you see when you might have this setup for timeshifting.
There is often a resume feature, but operation is kinda quirky. You should press stop when it is in full screen playback to activate the feature. If you hit exit, accidentally or intentionally or are inside preview window, it wont save the positioning where you left off. Thanks to member jjeff for the one.
Abundant OTA television cause this country different from others. Lets ensure that is stays this way. If you like Wi-Fi a whole lot, OTA fits directly in. After all, it's wireless.
Multimedia photo music options Firmware updating;
Not unlike other media players of these DVRs, this enables playing music when you're viewing photos. Of course, they all have being on precisely the same drive at some time.
There are two kinds of views while within the Photo section; list grid. There is also 59 several types of transitions numbered 1 thru 59 available, most which are variations of others. You will quickly become bored and distracted by these patterns. I immediately switched on the first choice; 0 which is really a simple cut, which is not distracting. You have a collection of time delays between files of 2 through 8 seconds. I found if you makes use of the I I or I I buttons, you will get full control, turning it into a manual slide show which I prefer.
Note, both views can have eight files. The grid view takes longer to load since thumbnails have to get generated per as opposed for starters in list view. One thing that I didnt like will be the Please wait between each photo while in manual mode. There isn't any page change provided by any button. Both shortcomings I will add to a list.
Additional observations and concerns;
I have run numerous recording hours using the 2 1/2 Laptop drive that's still as VRX recorder, you already know, normally the one that I carelessly mounted from the chassis almost a year ago. The 3500 I put on top in the VRX for convenience and so I could try this. There isn't a easy way that the drive may be placed inside safely. Its really too small of your enclosure.
I likewise have measured temperatures for the main board plus the PS since Im powering the drive off of the PS with the 3500 just like I are already doing using the VRX.
The highest temperature about the main board is 150 degrees which has a room temperature of 75 degrees, recording. But, temperatures from the PS have become high using a drive powered. Im getting inconsistency from the readings depending around the angle and direction I aim the IR thermometer. Unfortunately, I don't possess a 2nd IR thermometer I can measure with to highest reading continues to be 215 degrees. That is overly high AFAIC. The obvious solution is often a fan, but there's no switched 12v available, therefore it would run 24/7 considering that the 5 14 volt lines with the PS will almost always be hot. The only way could well be to work with a thermistor therefore, the fan only runs gets hotter needs to. Anyone chime in with this?
The reason behind all on the above is by using this in a bedroom or kitchen connected with a 26 or less LCD panel, where space can be a premium. Add the separate HDD enclosure with all the associated outlet mounted PS and yes it could be a issue. Im not an admirer of USB sticks. They are for photos and doubtless music, but HD recordings, not only a chance. Too small bigger and not quick enough for proper throughput.
Firmware for V 1 boxes. their website is horribly slow;
The entire process takes below one minute without the need of user intervention. The firmware will reboot before and as soon as the flash automatically. You eliminate the drive as soon as the process. iView suggests you reset to factory defaults to perform the process, but What I can see is, it is possible to forgo the reset to factory defaults. By not reseting to factory defaults, you keep all settings such as the channel map. With current versions from the FW, this isn't going to appear to cause any side effects since it did with earlier versions. The 2nd pic shows a usb flash drive with multiple files loaded. You only have to have the one you need to flash loaded.
Thanks to member Satmann for discovering that you are able to flash this with all the Homeworx firmware version, and you need the Homeworx remote or perhaps a Harmony remote with Homeworx codes to utilize unit ever since the codes are not the same;
For those of yourself that have a very harmony remote you'll be able to turn your iview right into a HomeWorx HW-150PVR using the new homeworx firmware. Before you start this process make sure you keep track of harmony remote to feature the homeworx. Ive been using the homeworx firmware during my two iviews since it turned out released. I can read the daily and weakly timers work fine. The guide also works a whole lot better giving you several page of internet data. The timezone settings seem accurate also. I like the belief that it also turns the intense red display off. Only downside I see is that it disables top panel buttons which can be no huge problem just make use of the remote. I also tried flashing back in the iview firmware also it works fine. When you remodel your harmony remote homeworx is listed under PVR and also the model number HW-150PVR.
There is usually a new hardware version just released that carries a mechanical RF ch. 3/4 switch for the rear panel as well as a new chipset. There is really a warning on the site to never flash these new boxes while using original firmware. These need for being labeled V III to split up them from V II which only had the handy remote control upgrade. The photo isn't iView box.
READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: Do NOT download this firmware when your 3500STBII Converter Box carries a CH 3/4 switch behind it. You own a converter box that's released in a fresh batch that features a different chip piece which is not compatible w details around the new hardware version with all the RF switch and new components.
Abundant OTA television is why this country different from others. Lets ensure that it stays this way. If you like Wi-Fi a great deal, OTA fits directly in. After all, it truly is wireless.
Not only can it be tiny there exists almost nothing within the box. It will likely be interesting to know just how much DVR stuff it could possibly do?
At that price, I wonder if it could act as being a DVR third tuner once the 2 tuner TiVo is busy as well as the Sony has become dead my previous temporary third tuner?
One with the first requirements for me could be the HDMI out native all resolutions together with 5.1 DD sound.
We should take up a wish list for firmware updates. A few things Id enjoy seeing.
1. Full EPG grid. Not just the latest channel
2. Have the top display show actual channel you're on not cryptic C001, C002, etc. My son walked inside room and said, Why does that thing say COOL upon it?
3. If possible, dimming of front panel display
4. Ability to manually adjust system time
5. Better initial naming of records
Abundant OTA television makes this country different from others. Lets make it this way. If you like Wi-Fi a great deal, OTA fits in. After all, it truly is wireless.
We should find a wish list for firmware updates. A few things Id enjoy seeing.
1. Full EPG grid. Not just the actual channel
This unit has just one tuner, so which will never happen. A dual-tuner OTA DVR uses its second tuner to scan channels from the background to populate information, but a DVR with merely one tuner cant do this. Even if there would be a guide screen efficient at showing multiple channels, youd must manually utilize the channel up step to scan through each channel one at a time and linger on each channel before you had time for you to receive the entire guide data from using it, as some networks wont send the total guide data again every a few seconds. Having just one tuner severely limits this units usefulness, but whether or not this would permit you to watch old recordings while making a fresh one, it could still be handy for folks who need a third tuner or rarely need two.
The two tuners models dont even achieve that.
Abundant OTA television makes this country different from everybody else. Lets make it this way. If you like Wi-Fi a great deal, OTA fits directly in. After all, it really is wireless.
The tuner performance is average for - the modern generation or across all generations?
Correct with the latest generation tuners. Far better compared to the Sony, not quite as good because the VRX or even the series 3 TiVos.
Abundant OTA television makes this country different from all the others. Lets ensure that is stays this way. If you like Wi-Fi a lot, OTA fits directly in. After all, it's wireless.
The tuner performance is average for the purpose - the most up-to-date generation or across all generations?
Arent you asking an either-or question?
Correct. Far better versus the Sony, not quite as good because VRX or perhaps the series 3 TiVos.
Correct, IMHO, is really a strange answer on the question Rammitinski asked.
But what do you test on your conclusion?
I ask because while I have no knowledge about the VRX, when checking images received, signal strengths, and amount of stations received by using a Terk HDTVa indoor antenna approx. 60 miles through the most distant transmitting location, I find the Sony DHG and TiVo S3 perform similiarly.
They both receive 9 stations. Signal strengths of viewable stations are similiar.
TiVos OTA capable 2 tuner Premiere, using the identical Terk antenna, performs worse than either an S3 or Sony DHG, receiving only 8 stations with increased break-ups and minimize signal strengths on all nevertheless the strongest stations.
Correct, IMHO, is usually a strange answer towards the question Rammitinski asked.
Yes that you are right. I missed the or part. Reply corrected.
Out of five different tuners all receiving the identical signal within 1-2 db of 1 another, the 2007 Mits DLP TV as well as the 2005 Sony were the worst. Along with that older 2006? tuner from ePVision that I sold. The VRX can be a slight step ahead with the 2008 Samsung LCD from our bedroom.
What surprised me the most include the HD version with the Series 3s. They are almost on par using the VRX and those can be a 2007 design.
As I have stated before, I have a quite challenging reception situation. Three powerful TV xmitters 7 miles out with numerous weak signals from 55 miles in thje same direction. Coupled to your fact I have three single channel traps to tame those locals using a low to medium gain DA downstream. Now, add three more stations around the back side with the antenna the initial CM 4228A 20 approximately miles out signal level fine, but multipath not too, I have one in the worst situations other then living near to an antenna farm.
When conditions change, I can begin to see the change within the worst tuner first, mainly because it gets worse it affects the next level in the event you will. Not just signal level, but multipath and that knows what else.
That VRX and after this those HD TiVos huge surprise will ID stations that could not be viewed signal there, although not clean enough being displayed where few other tuner could. Yes, every situation is usually a little different.
Abundant OTA television is the reason why this country different from the competition. Lets ensure that is stays this way. If you like Wi-Fi a great deal, OTA fits in. After all, it can be wireless.
videobruce has incorporated nearly all of my issues in their OP, my post is kind of your snapshot in updates will probably be in bold and they are the only things in bold.
OK Ive been tinkering with my iView right through the day, some impressions to include in Videobruces nice create, I will somewhat compare it to my Tivo HD but of course they may be two many different classesand prices.
NO!. key. Yes thats right, no. key in order to get to 23.4 you have to penetrate 23 and after a couple of seconds it can go to 23.1 after witch you can utilize the up channel to reach 23.4. An alternate way will be to push OK and arrow right down to 23.4 or simply use channel up or down. I also dont such as the cheap feel and small hard to study buttons from the remote but I guess we couldnt expect much more with the price. Oh I can easily begin to see the white lettering getting worn over tiny buttons then you wont determine what they Harmony or such could be your safest bet. The remote need to be pointed exactly with the unit, no just aiming it near it. this can be quite an irritation, again remote need to be pointed almost exactly on the iView for it to see, the remote basically sucks!
iView came out with a whole new remote, it provides the. key and is particularly much better versus the original remote, quite a bit less nice as I believe the Tivo peanut remote is but as good as original.
The guide is sort of buggy. By that I mean until it gets FULLY populatedtakes a minute roughly tuned compared to that channel seeking to navigate within the EPG mode may cause temporary lockups and delays. Also you dont want to utilize LEFT RIGHT arrow keys substantially EPG mode, it acts weird and keeps some however, not all from the info in the previous channel. Its advisable to actually tune for the channel you would like to see, wait a minute roughly and then push the EPG button. I rarely make use of the guide simply because of its quirks, other PSIP devices inside my house don't have any such problems.
I believe many on the original guide quirks were dealt with with firmware updates but because I in addition have a Tivo HD I rarely if ever utilize guide in my iView.
MILITARY time! People just dont get us Americans, a small number of people know or like to utilize military24hr time, using this unit you just must get used to it. still annoying but it truly is what it's.
As others have said, weird channel number display around the unit, not your channel number instead the placement of these channel as part of your lineup, that may be channel 2.1 could be C0001, channel 2.2 will be C0002, etc. Id cover the main display but it's handy to inform you if you are within the various menus so with the most part I just ignore itand yes its glaring bright red!.
Ive located my iView where I can hardly notice, I never really check out its useless display, I hardly ever notice my USB HDD light blinking blue since it records.
No native output, only 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080iwhich is the thing that I used and 1080p. 480i and 720p channels do use a bit of visible interlace lines on account of I believe a sub standard down/upconverter within this tiny unit. Note I understand the same thing with my Tivo HD set to FIXED resolution but no problems when set to native or with my TVs integrated tuner. I mainly watch 1080i channels that's why I decided on 1080i.
Until that you are done tinkering with this unitor forever in case you have an additional input Id suggest managing a composite cable along with HDMI for a TV. Occasionally it wont synch with my Sony TVs HDMI and I ought to power cycle the iView or change its HDMI resolution to something differentwhich is not easy to when you cant understand the menus, regardless of what the resolution is defined to composite is often 480i. Also dont result in the mistake of changing the system to PAL if the TV isnt 50hz compatible, when you do without composite put be able to keep check on change it back. Composite just shows B W which has a non PAL TV. From initially my testings I havent had such issues, probably OK to don't use anything but HDMI once done playing together with the unit.