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Use GIMP for quick graphics needs and never having to learn advanced image manipulation methods.
This tutorial walks through basic image and layer manipulation techniques.
An review of using layer masks to switch the opacity of an layer.
A first look for the Curves tool and adjusting color tones inside an image.
Detailed conversion tutorial for establishing a B W derive from a color image.
Using multiple layer masks to isolate specific tones within your image for editing.
Learn creating simple perl scripts while using the gimp-perl module GNU/Linux users only.
Using GIMP Python to automate a workflow.
Import XCF images a directory each time.
The official distribution of GIMP could be the source code, distributed in tar files from your GIMP FTP site and its particular mirrors. The same source code could be compiled to build binaries a variety of platforms including GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris and there are others.
Is appropriate for most users. Pre-compiled binaries from the stable GIMP usually are available for many platforms understand the platform-specific pages for more information, and that means you do not even have to compile the code yourself.
For individuals who want to look into the progress to your next stable release, and who need to help the developers by testing the code and reporting bugs. The development version contains more features compared to stable version nonetheless it may crash every so often so be sure you save your work often. If that you are using this version, it is just a good idea a subscription to some on the GIMP mailing lists gimp-user or gimp-developer so as to follow the discussions about latest features and known bugs.
This is for individuals who want to reside on the bleeding edge. This will provide you with the latest version from the source code together with the latest features, but also using the latest bugs eeek!. The repository contains several versions from the code called branches and that means you can fetch the most up-to-date version trunk or maybe a stable version from your maintenance branch. If you intend to promote the growth and development of GIMP, then you certainly should try using Git. As the code is continually evolving and features are added or removed daily, you will have a look in the developers site and sign up to the gimp-developer email list if you compile the code from Git.
The GIMP source code is distributed as tarballs. It is available on the GIMP FTP site and its particular mirrors.
All requirements below has to be met in order to compiling GIMP from source. This list might change according to the releases being worked tirelessly on during continuing development of GIMP. Look in the files INSTALL and README inside the tarballs for details.
Text layout engine, GIMP also requires PangoCairoP- a Pango backend using Cairo
The source code of GIMP is maintained inside GNOME Git repository. Besides offering version tracking, branching, avanced diff support and else, this repository grants everyone access to the most recent revision from the GIMP source code.
To learn more about GIMP development, /should answer questions.
To allow you to realize how to get GIMP and what is instructed to run GIMP, this list of packages has become done below. Not only may be the list for your required packages but in addition for the packages that may be added to support other activities like fileformats etc.
This will be the official website from the GNU Image Manipulation Program GIMP.
Whether you might be a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP will provide you with sophisticated tools to have your job done. You can further improve your productivity with GIMP on account of many customization options and third party plugins.
GIMP supplies the tools necessary for high quality image manipulation. From retouching to restoring to creative composites, the one limit can be your imagination.
GIMP gives artists the electricity and flexibility to rework images into amazing creations.
GIMP is needed for producing icons, graphical design elements, and art for gui components and mockups.
GIMP is a top quality framework for scripted image manipulation, with multi-language support including C, C, Perl, Python, Scheme, and even more!
GIMP provides extensibility through integration with many different programming languages including Scheme, Python, Perl, and much more.
The result is usually a high level of customization as demonstrated from the large amount of scripts and plug-ins created with the community.
GIMP has an built-in help system. Once you have started this system, press
for context-sensitive help. You may have to install the exact help pages from your separate package gimp-help, depending on how your version of GIMP was packaged.
The user manual for that GIMP 2.8 release can be found in 17 languages:
The tile cache tells GIMP the amount of memory it may use before swapping some image data to disk. Setting the size in the tile cache might be critical for your performance within your system.
GIMP is a nickname for for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is really a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
It has lots of capabilities. It is usually used to be a simple paint program, an authority quality photo retouching program, an internet based batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, a photo format converter, etc.
GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is created to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to perform just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything on the simplest task to your most complex image manipulation procedures being easily scripted.
This is just a very quickly thrown together number of GIMP features. You can also have a look with the illustrated features overview.
Full suite of painting tools including Brush, Pencil, Airbrush, Clone, etc.
Transformation tools including rotate, scale, shear and flip
Selection tools including rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy
Advanced path tool doing bezier and polygonal selections.
Transformable paths, transformable selections.
Quickmask to color a selection.
Advanced scripting capabilities Scheme, Python, Perl
Frame Navigator in GAP, the GIMP Animation Package
Onion Skin in GAP, the GIMP Animation Package
Bluebox in GAP, the GIMP Animation Package
File formats supported include bmp, gif, jpeg, mng, pcx, pdf, png, ps, psd, svg, tiff, tga, xpm, and many more
Load, display, convert, save to a lot of file formats
The aggregate score in line with the apps rating, volume of users, and a amount of other parameters closely related to user satisfaction.
The most beneficial score is 10.
GIMP 2.6 is often a versatile and totally free graphics manipulation program. With GIMP you might be capable of make professional logos and buttons in a few minutes among other functions. Like Photoshop as well as other design applications, it uses a multitude of dialogs. Its customizable interface, enables you to comfortable since startup.
The interface is modularized into docks, allowing one to stack them into tabs or keep these things open in their own personal window. You can make lots of photo enhancement effects in digital photos. Like fix perspective distortion attributable to lens tilt selecting the corrective, eliminate lens barrel distortion, or make digital retouching techniques. You can clone objects with all the perspective clone tool, in the same way easily as while using orthogonal clone. GIMP will not be a design suite, it hasnt countless features as Photoshop, but in the event you cant spend large sums of money in software licenses, or maybe your work doesnt require complex task, consider add this package for your toolset. Forum has many tips and a lot of questions resolved. So in the event you are stuck, you will discover help pretty fast.
Not so complete as Photoshop.
Interface just isn't so easy to utilize.
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This software packages are non-free in terms in the definition of free software, not regarding freeware unlike, as an example, Foxit Reader. It loads somewhat slower. It needs the service module to start-up faster, so thats the 1st sign of typical Adobe bloatware.
It could be the compatible standard with files, it has an TTS reader, file security/protection and also other neat features low in Foxit. If you will not need strikes, I recommend you use Foxit Reader instead.
DipStych is often a simple program that stitches together multiple images.
Handy and free tool to assist you to manage several GIMP windows.
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Top Tool! Das kostenlose GIMP ersetzt natrlich lngst kein voll ausgestattetes Photoshop, eine besser ausgestattete Freeware-Bildbearbeitung kennen wir aber nicht.
Die Freeware GIMP leistet mehr als so manches 50-Euro-Produkt. Trotz kleinerer Mngel lohnt sich die Installation auf jeden Fall.
GIMP im Ein-Fenster-Modus: Das Linux-Bildbearbeitungs-Programm GIMP steht ab sofort in einer aktualisierten Windows-Version zum Download bereit.
GIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program ist eine gute kostenlose Alternative zu Photoshop von Adobe und kommt mit zahlreichen professionellen Bearbeitungsfunktionen fr Bilder und Fotos.
Solide ist die Auswahl- und Montagetechnik. Das Programm bietet alle Auswahlwerkzeuge. Auch die Retusche-Funktionen und Kontrast-Korrekur erfllen hohe Ansprche. In wenigen Schritten schneiden Sie Bilder zu, stellen Ausschnitte frei oder nehmen tnderungen zurck. Um auch komplexe Bearbeitungen zu realisieren knnen Sie in GIMP Ebenen anlegen, auf denen Sie separat arbeiten knnen.
Tipp: Die kostenlose Erweiterung PSPI ermglicht es, Plug-ins im 8BF-Format unter GIMP zu nutzen.
Das freie Bildbearbeitungsprogramm bringt in der aktuellen Version 2.8.16 Support fr Ebenen-Gruppen in PSD. Alle weiteren tnderungen finden Sie auf der Herstellerseite.
Sollten Sie sich fr eine Custom Installation entscheiden, achten Sie darauf, entweder die Full Installation auszuwhlen oder andernfalls zumindest per Hand den Haken bei Translations zu setzen. Denn werden die Translations nicht mitinstalliert, bleibt GIMP auch auf einem deutschen System englischsprachig.
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Zum ist eine der besten Gratis-Alternativen zu anderen teuren Bildbearbeitungs-Programmen.
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Es ist uerst seltsam, dass hier in der Beschreibung immer noch steht: Die Bedienoberflche vonP GIMPSHOPP ist inzwischen strker Adobe Photoshops Oberflche nachempfunden und erleichtert die Bedienung von GIMP erheblich.
Chip-Redakteure, bitte AUFWACHEN und diesen Satz lschen! Man sollte mittlerweile auf keinen Fall mehr GIMPSHOP zustzlich installieren! Auf eurer Gimpshop-DL-Seite schreibt ihr ja auch selber zu GIMP: und auch die Bedienoberflche wurde komplett neu gestaltet, so dass die Erweiterung GIMPshop nicht mehr ntig ist.
Mittlerweile wird der GIMPshop-Download nur noch als Werbeschleuder angeboten.
Ich habe immer mehr das Gefhl, dass die Redakteure hier nicht mehr so sauber arbeiten wie frher, grade hier bei einem Nr.1-Download wird weiterhin dieser verhngnisvolle Satz beibehalten! Leute, bitte kmmert euch mal wieder mehr um eure Beschreibungen, die Programme verndern sich von Zeit zu
Hallo, danke fr den Hinwies. Ich gebe diesen an die Redaktion weiter. LG Marcel
Hallo MatrixX82, der Beschreibungstext wurde entsprechend angepasst. LG Marcel
Klasse, das ging diesmal richtig schnell! Weiter so!
Den Kommentar ber meinem, wo nur wirre Buchstaben drinstehen, war aus Versehen, aber leider finde ich hier keine Mglichkeit Kommentare zu lschen.
Ich habe Windows 10 und kann aus meiner Kamera die Bilder nicht in dem von mir gewnschten Bildformat JEPG abspeichern, was mach ich falsch?
Bei der hier angebotenen Download-Version trat bei mir der Fehler auf, dass einige Icons, so z. B. mehrere Ebenen-Icons sowie die Icons zum Ausrichten von Text, fehlten.
Auf der offiziellen Download-Seite /pub/gimp/v2.8/windows/wurde mittlerweile die Datei ergnzt, bei der der Fehler nicht mehr auftritt.
Danke fr den Hinweis. Gebe ich an die Redaktion weiter. Viele Gre Katja vom CHIP Community Team
Als Es installiert war, bekam ich Pbereits nach krzester Zeit eine Fehlermeldung. dieses Programm habe eine Problem und knne daher nicht richtig ausgefhrt in den Eigenschaften steht jedoch nicht mal die BIT variante drin.
also an was soll es sonst liegen?
Am besten nicht den hier angebotenen Installer benutzen, sondern den offiziellen von Mit den Chip-Installern gibt es seit ewigen Zeiten Probleme Siehe ?t22639. Und Adware bekommst du beim offiziellen Download auch nicht so angedreht wie
Hallo, das Programm kann man auch manuell installieren, also ohne den Installer zu nutzen. In diesem Sinne den Link nutzen, der unter dem Download-Button steht.:
Liebe Gre, Beatrice vom CHIP Community-Team
Clicking this Download button starts DownloadAdmin, it manages your installation. This applications are Open Source and may even be accessible for free elsewhere. Additional software might be offered to you via opt-in ads in the installation process. Learn more here.
GIMP provides easy-to-use, professional design tools which might be comparable to Photoshop without the presence of hefty cost. GIMP cost nothing image editing software that perfects photos and fosters animated on the most powerful general-purpose image editors around, GIMP is usually used to be a simple paint program, a professional-quality photo retouching program, image format converter plus much more. You will never be called for personal information or even a credit card.
Photo Enhancement Tools easily fix photo imperfections. From red-eye removal to perspective distortion, GIMP can fix almost anything.
Custom Tool Settings allow you to definitely change colors, spacing and icon sizes inside toolbox.
Channel Mixer affords the flexibility and power required to optimize white and black photos.
Digital Retouching takes out unwanted details and enables minor details to get re-touched.
Hardware Support provides unique support for a number of input devices out on the box. Change the size, angle or opacity of an brush, bind favorite scripts to buttons and quicken workflow.
File Formats support ranges through the common likes of JPEG JFIF, GIF, PNG, TIFF to special use formats including the multi-resolution and multi-color-depth Windows icon files.
Clicking this Download button starts DownloadAdmin, it manages your installation. This applications are Open Source and will be readily available for free elsewhere. Additional software could be offered to you via opt-in ads in the installation process. Learn more uses DownloadAdmin to set up your software. The software distributed on our site may be designed for free elsewhere. The installers are compliant while using original software manufacturers policies and terms conditions. Additional software recommendations could be offered to users with an opt-in basis in the installation process. Learn more here. You can uninstall Gimp anytime by going to your add/remove programs section of one's computer.
Gimp is undoubtedly an open source product put together by The GIMP Development Team licensed under GNU GPL. Source code for Gimp could be found here.
GIMP 2.8.16 - dobreprogramy
Downloading the most recent version 2.8.16 32/64-bit